The transformation of business by data science

Driving digital transformation with location intelligence powered by ESRI. The market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software, location intelligence and mapping


ArcGIS Business Analyst

Take a data-driven approach to validate your instincts about a location and stay ahead of the competition. Indo ArcGIS is the one-stop destination for all your GIS needs. Powered by industry leading ArcGIS technology, Indo ArcGIS offers out-of-the-box GIS solutions and data products developed by Esri India’s engineers to solve some of the most challenging problems the country is facing today.

Benefits of ArcGIS Business Analyst

Gain an edge with ArcGIS Business Analyst.Indo ArcGIS helps you build your own Geospatial Infrastructure in a very short time through world-leading GIS technology and India specific GIS solutions and data products.

  • Site selection and market planning: Tools include consumer profiling, market potential, sales forecasting, drive time, and trade area rings.

  • Territory design and area planning: Use automated workflows for territory design, location-allocation, and market penetration analyses.

  • A collection of location analytics tools: Drive business and your e-commerce strategy using a collection of desktop, web, and mobile apps and Esri's hosted data.

  • Data and infographics to drive decisions: Access global data for more than 130 countries with over 15,000 variables on market data.


Software to visualize and understand your data spatially. Create interactive maps to visualize and explore your data using Esri's dynamic mapping software. Powerful analysis tools and map styles help you discover and refine your data's story. Enrich your maps by incorporating content from Esri's rich data library

Map your data
Bring your data into a map and discover spatial relationships for the first time. Many file types are supported by Esri's mapping software, including spreadsheets, KML, GeoJSON, and common geospatial files. Esri provides complete data hosting, or you can host it on your infrastructure.
Interact with your map
Interactive web maps give you and your team the opportunity to explore and update data. As you zoom in, additional data and insights become available. Click on the map to discover location-specific data displayed in charts or infographics.
Understand your data
Discover and refine your data's story using a set of intuitive analysis tools, such as drive times and buffers. Smart mapping, pioneered by Esri, uses data-driven styling, colors, and symbols to guide your exploration and transform your raw data into useful information.
Enhance your data
Deepen your understanding and expose relationships by adding authoritative data, such as demographics, imagery, boundaries, and live feeds, to your map. ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World, the most comprehensive collection of global geographic information, is included with every ArcGIS mapping product.


Esri India mapping and analytics software inspires positive change across industries

Architecture, Engineering, and Construction
Banking, Insurance & Financial
Smart Cities
Health & Education
Emergency Management
Energy & Utilities

GIS Consulting

We offer consulting across multiple business and technical domains depending on what you need and the level of your organisation. Our consultants work directly with you to provide organisational or technical enablement, technical or business strategy.

Business consulting

Experienced consultants who can advise and guide your enterprise GIS strategy and implementation approach.

Configuration consulting

ArcGIS installation and configuration specialists providing focused services to enable your teams to jumpstart your GIS journey right, the first time.

Enterprise consulting

Experienced consultants who can advise and guide your enterprise GIS strategy and implementation approach.